Message from the State Commander

From an email from an email from the PA VFW State Commander Frank Mills:

With time running out in this legislative session, PA VFW State Commander Frank Mills has asked all posts to contact their local state senator and state representative to ask them to get HB 169 passed through the House and Senate. We have supported numerous small games bills over the past few years and we believe that HB 169 would best serve the interests of non-profits who run the games as well as the State through better clarity in defining how the games would be governed. Passing this bill would be a win-win for all involved including the many needy organizations and individuals who come to non-profits for donations.

We know that SB 211 made it through two of the required three rounds of Senate committee hearings in part due to the proposed taxation of small games, but that effort to tax the games was dropped. Please ask your legislators to fast track the committee review process for HB 169 to get this issue on the front burner. There was good interest in raising the limits in part by the recent budget process and we want to keep this momentum going.

The House unanimously cleared HB 169 during the last session so it can be done quickly. It would have passed if it were not for the stone walling of Senator Armstrong. Armstrong retired. Now let’s put the issue before all legislators again to ask them to get the job done..

Passing legislation to raise the limits is long overdue and with the State unable to help fund many local organizations, and with more people being rendered needy due to the economy, the additional funds raised by higher limits will help many people. Lawmakers and the Governor just approved the for-profit gambling facilities to expand their offerings so they can make more money, so why can’t non-profits offer higher prize limits to bring in more funds to donate locally. The casinos certainly aren’t taking care of those who turn to our VFW posts for contributions. This is the message all VFW members need to send to their state lawmakers to get prize limits raised before lawmakers go home for the holiday break.

Please ask the legislators to share any thoughts or concerns they have with HB 169 or SB 211 (the senate version of the bill with some differences to 169 … Dept. prefers 169).

Tell them you are interested in meeting with them at any time to elevate and activate this issue. And one last key issue to emphasize: some lawmakers may think that on a $5,000 game the post brings in $5,000 in earnings, which is not even close to reality. Tell them the game sponsors average 18-20% of earnings on a game prize, which in the case of a $5,000 game is $900-$1,000, which VFW posts often give away in one donation.

Act today by emailing or calling your legislators. There are only a small amount of voting days left in this legislative session … snail mail will move too slow so use email or phone calls. And ask your friends who support VFW posts and other non-profits who offer the games to get on board to help make noise about this issue. Stress that the donations given out as a result of small games improve public safety, support youth programs, help charities, pay for school supplies, support the Red Cross, send care packages to troops, help military families experiencing financial crises, and all of the others ways the donations help people. They need to hear this good news.

Thank you, and please copy these addresses below on your emails:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

This is an important issue not just for our post, but for all the posts across the state! Act today!